Sometimes the past inspires us; sometimes it haunts us. If the past captivates you in any capacity, you might consider a degree in history. Studying history promises more than a greater familiarity with bygone eras and personalities. Often defined as the critical study of change over time, history can help you develop a better understanding of contemporary society and culture through a study of the past. 我们的计划涉及相当广泛的领域, 提供各种各样的美国课程, 欧洲, 和世界历史. Additional advanced courses focus on specific topics ranging from “Ancient and Medieval Cities” and “Modern Warfare” to “Environmental 历史” and “The 性的历史.” Our program teaches students how to critically analyze sources, 综合信息, 并提出令人信服的论点. 这些技能在许多努力中都是有用的. Students also have the opportunity to work closely with faculty members on research projects, in addition to holding internships at local and regional museums, 历史的社会, 公共机构. 


我们提供四种学位选择 历史文学士, a 历史文学士 with a secondary teaching concentration, a 辅修历史,和 辅修公共历史

Field trip to Canyon Pintado for Early American Religion class. 注意裂缝里的岩石艺术.


A history degree represents more than the ability to memorize facts. It represents a passion for learning that lasts a lifetime. 但是历史学位能做什么呢?

Studying history teaches students how to think for themselves, to analyze the works of others with objectivity and sensitivity, and to improve their ability to express themselves in oral and written form. These are skills that are widely applicable to most professions. 作为一个学习项目, 历史也能提高识字率, 促进宽容, 培养道德意识, and deepens our understanding of 国家 and global issues. These aptitudes will serve you well in many careers, in addition to making you a better person.  

According to the American Historical Association (AHA) t在这里 are many things that students can do with a history degree: advertising executive, 分析师, 档案管理员, 广播公司, 运动工人, 顾问, 国会助理, 外交官, 编辑器, 基金会的工作人员, 信息专家, 智能代理, 记者, 法律助理, 图书管理员, 说客, 人事经理, 公关人员, 研究员, 和老师. For some excellent AHA resources on history careers, click 在这里.



Our history professors all hold doctorates in their fields. 有几位是屡获殊荣的教育家,和ll of them are active teacher-scholars with ambitious research agendas. Their ongoing work and growing list of publications confirms that history is an active discipline, 教学和学术是相辅相成的. Our full-time faculty include the following professors:

肖恩·加拉格尔 (2022), Assistant Professor of 历史; BA, 加州州立大学, East Bay; MA, San Francisco State University; PhD, 加州大学戴维斯分校. 兴趣:美国历史上的奴隶制和种族.

ERIKA杰克逊 (2010), Professor of 历史; BA, 密歇根州立大学; MA, Loyola University; PhD, 密歇根州立大学. 爱好: Late 19th and Early 20th Century American 历史, 妇女与性别史, 性的历史, 移民及民族历史, 城市的历史, 劳动的历史

帕梅拉KRCH (2018), Instructor of 历史; BA, Mesa State College; MA, New Mexico State University; PhD, 德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校. 爱好: 二十世纪的美国, including the American West; Borderlands; Native American with an emphasis on twentieth century and Navajo history; and Public 历史.

道格拉斯·O 'ROARK (1994), Professor of 历史; BA, MA, PhD, The Ohio State University. 爱好: Social 历史 of the Greek, Roman, and Early Byzantine Cultures, Classical 考古

文森特V. 小PATARINO. (2011), Associate Professor of 历史; BA, BS, MA, PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder. 爱好: Social and Cultural 历史 of Early Modern England and Europe, 性别的历史, 宗教的历史, 大发现时代, 中世纪和近代早期的英国水手, 欧洲历史与电影

亚当T. 罗森鲍姆 (2011), Professor of 历史; BA, Virginia Wesleyan College; MA, Old Dominion University; PhD, 埃默里大学. 爱好: Cultural 历史 of Modern Germany and Europe, 冷战, 民族主义与地方主义, 旅游的历史, 职业摔跤的历史

蒂莫西·C. WINEGARD (2012), Assistant Professor of 历史; BA, University of Western Ontario; BEd, Nipissing University; MA, Royal Military College of Canada; PhD, 牛津大学. 兴趣:军事史, 全球土著人民和文化, 北美殖民史, 英国移民社会比较史

点击下面的视频观看Dr. Erika Jackson discuss the “Problem of Historical Analogies.”


In addition to rigorous classroom study and research based upon critical thinking, history students participate in a variety of programs that transcend the classroom.

Each spring, many history students serve as judges during the annual 历史的一天, a 国家 competition that provides students in grades 6-12 with an exciting way to learn about historical issues, 的想法, 人, 和事件.

学生还参加了一年一度的 大屠杀意识系列, an interdisciplinary series of events that explores the topic of genocide.

Finally, many of our history students are members of the local chapter of α Theta, the 国家 honor society that provides leadership opportunities and the chance to present original historical research.


Students plant flags commemorating Holocaust victims for CMU's Annual Holocaust Awareness Week.


  • Formulate the relationships of cause and effect in history (specialized knowledge/applied learning);
  • Assess the importance of historical context (specialized knowledge/applied learning);
  • Critically analyze an argument based on secondary sources (critical thinking/information literacy);
  • Critically analyze primary sources (critical thinking);
  • Formulate a clear and persuasive argument based on historical evidence (communication fluency/Information literacy);       
  • Construct a clear thesis with strong topic sentences (communication fluency);
  • 评估当地情况, 国家, 或者全球社会对道德问题做出了回应, 社会, civic and/or environmental challenges in the historical past (personal and 社会 responsibility).
